July 21, 2012

Wow Wow Wow!

Has it been FOREVER since I've posted on my BLOG? I think yes! There are lots of updates that most of you should know...
1) I am now allowed to release my real name on the internet :) My name is Bethany! I said my name was Ali because I thought the safest way to go bout the internet was to come up with a clone name. I chose Ali because I was OBSESSED with GOTYS :):)!! So I loved her name and I chose Ali as a fake name :P But my real name is BETHANY :)
2) I am craving... a new doll.... I haven't gotten a new doll since Kanani which was December 2011. Seems like a while ago, doesn't it? I have compiled a list of dolls that I love. I know I'm probably not going to get any of these beauties BUT a girl can dream; right?
I really like this doll... I don't have a large diversity of dolls in my collection and yet, #44 COULD be considered African American, I say she's just tan. This doll here, is one of the new Dolls AG has yet to come out with. Her ratings are great and she has lovely CURLY side bangs which I love. I would name her Kora. She'd be a very special addition to my collection..Yet I'm still denying the $119 price tag she unforgettably comes with...

I may sound very crazy but is this #56? She looks quite like it but let me just say, she is BEAU-TI-FUL!!! Her features are DARLING! She is tops as of right now... I'd name her Cyra. Strange name, huh? The name was originated in the Aztec years but I think the name fits her eyes... I just L.O.V.E her so much... </3

Perhaps this doll has been on the dolly market for as long as I can remember but I've always seemed to have ignored her.. Her hair and skin tone is wonderful and just what I've been looking for. Even right now, when I'm writing this, I can't stop thinking of how much I'd love to have her. Her  hair is the best part. But to make things REALLY unique, I've been on the AG Play Things forum recently and kidwithdolls6756 has MAG #26 (I think?) and she really wants a doll with brown eyes... EYE SWAP! Anyways, her name would be Shelia right off the bat. Its a beautiful name for a beautiful doll.

And alas, it's Marie Grace. I always think her name is Mary Grace... Anyways, I've always wanted a doll with pin curls. She doesn't add a dent in diversity for my collection but she sure if beautiful (I say that word a lot when describing dolls....). I usually don't rename my Historic or GOTY dolls but this time, I would rename MG. I don't like her name at all. I like Prima (pronounced PRE-MA). I know I have the strangest names but they fit the dolls quite spontaneously. But... she's $105 and you can no longer bargain with AG back in the old days................ :(:(:(:(

So those were just SOME of thousands of dolls that are on my wish list. Oh how I wish AG would lower prices. That way, they'd get TONS of sales for cheap items which is equal to a huge amount of $$$$$ for AG IF they lower the prices.

Second thing I'd like to talk about is AG Tube. Rough subject. I have devoted my 2nd year of youtube to DRAMA free. I will only reply to nice and caring comments and messages. I won't come up with any silly excuses for not making videos and I will be on top of the game.... hopefully...
I hope you guys know that I'm still in here. Staring into the computer reading very hatrid comments...,
Just kidding! LOL! Talk to you later guys!
I'm editing 5/14 NEW videos!

1 comment:

  1. PinkPottyProductionzAugust 5, 2012 at 8:06 AM

    I really think you should get 56 or 26. I think the first one on the list (mag?) is a little too much like 44 and 56 and 26 are different and would really make a you're doll collection a little more exciting. It's kinda boring to watch a youtube video with only blonde dolls isn't it (example).
